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Obvious loved or hated pencil and paper is on NoteSlate in completely new context. Our unique interactive handwritten interface gives you amazing new user experience. Write, draw, note, make hints, do whatever you want, how you know it. Now edit anything, communicate and share your notes, smiles or ideas across. Through the simplest "computer" interface, do anything with human touch. Express yourself, be creative. Love NoteSlate, as simple as you wish.


User Interface (UI)

The creativity in daily life, human interactivity in the simplest digital picture. The User Interface on NoteSlate will learn you, what could be paper in 21st century. Interactive individuality and human mind are creating your environment.







Your homepage

The basic page on NoteSlate is your homepage. The basic sketcher, drafter, notepad... basic drawing page. Basic interface also for further upgrades and OCR implementation. If you wanna share screen, just share. Basic navigation is based in four corners (NEXT PAGE, PREVOUS, CONTENT, and "EXTENSION" menu shown underneath. NoteSlate has default auto save backup after each step. You can customize this easily. Otherwise use first button for save as paper functionality. Middle button works for latest saved document. Optional is backup for NotesLate cloud network.


NoteSlate UI

Pencil width
Random eraser
Rectangle selection
Free form selection
Move selection
Copy selection
Backgrounds - lines, music sheet, grid, Template
Invert display
Brushes - Imprints



Content screenshot

Content of your noteslate

Content displays all pages saved on noteslate. Kind of folder manager. The Content is based on 6x6 grid for page thumbnails placement. Each position (imprint) are editable, drawable so you can add name for example. Page imprints have 4 different thumbnail sizes except real size. This way is the content flexible for searching lot of documents. Extensions have own pages in NoteSlate, also page imprint in the content for each one. Content shows also your all folders (blocks), inputs or last auto-saved page.



Full-size page navigation

Turning your pages as in paper block

Every page on NoteSlate is one document, and every page in NS Firmware 1.0 equals one extension. When you have full size page open, navigation through all pages is made by movement (clicks or drags) from 4 different corners of NoteSlate display. This navigations is based on 4 different functions: next page, previous page, Extension Menu, Content. Settings of NSF allows you to change the item positions in these 4 basic corners. This works also in the Content page. We could imagine the NoteSlate content as one big imprint grid, with different thumbnails accros.



Content principles and editablity

Edit and organize pages easily

You can modify anytime all imprints in NoteSlate interface. Edit, delete, copy or move pages across content. Send to USB of Wi-Fi. Make blocks or file names, Search across content page with OCR hints...




Basic interface parameters

Edit settings for basic NoteSlate functions, such as page templates (lines, grid, dots,..), resolution (pixelation - interact in smaller resolution on the same "wooden" screen). Edit 4 basic navigation corners position(NEXT PAGE, PREVIOUS PAGE, EXTENSION MENU, CONTENT). Edit recipients and NoteSlate sharing channels (NotesLate) and tunnels (further web web share settings).



Pencil editable interface

Individual creative environment

You can edit parts of the interface and content, and create your own environment. These system editable areas, are called imprints. Any of the default frames could be edited and later used anywhere else in noteslate. These imprints work as thumbnails, icons, blocks, brushes,... visual shortcuts. Create and enjoy your own individual interactive experience.







Anytime share your screen or interact on it with the others.

All your stories, sketches, communication, emotions and expressions shared imediately to your NotesLate network and further. Send your message to email address or favourite social network. Or just communicate with few friends through concrete channels. Network as you wish.



Notes with OCR recognition

With OCR itnegration comes the freedom of NoteSlate handwritten gestures and text recognition.

OCR upgrade makes your notes easily transferable to other purposes. Send notes as *.txt via Share. Requires NS Firmware 2.0, where one page interface is integrated.



Paper extensions

Functions of all extensions on noteslate available from the content

List through different pages in your NoteSlate as you are used in classic paper block notebook. The NS Firmware 2.0 will bring one page interface, with integrated extensions. Although pages thumbnails (imprints) will be still available.



Paper extension strategy


Open platform for extension development, adding NoteSlate capabilities and usability. Extensions will cover all the fields of handwritten interactivity and communication. Different object of the extensions for work, fun, education, art and other purposes. Hopefully free of charge.




Completely new way of interactivity

Discover the new way of communication, with real emotions and human touch. Express yourself in usual communication and do that as natural as it is be possible. Write that with pictures or draw it with text. Real time chat for real interactivity.




Share your NoteSlate stories and ideas across the network

Any content you shared across NotesLate network could be published in NewsLate publishing platform. These handwritten grouped channels of interest and content, great stories, blogs and poems, pictures of individual style and ideas for public.... your world of inspiration. Publishing of original content, handwritten papers or paper-rolls. This whole creative platform under 1-bit form, one visual medium and interface. Texts, pics, or animations look the same.
Users can be attached to their favourite content channels (graffitti, poems, comics,...) and grab them as separate page in NewSlate content.


Real size reader

No antialiasing and 1-bit color

The display on NoteSlate allows you to read any other document in 1-bit color scale (NSF 1.5). This enables satisfaction in reading, although with no antialiasing. This real size display is intended for creativity, not much readability. For future purpose we will release special NoteSlate pixel fonts families, to customize this experience with digital text. The import of any file document (*.pdf, *.jpg, *.txt, ) is editable then in the NoteSlate interface. In NSF 1.0 are available just irreversible imports.




Basic interface descriptions

New elements of our unique electronic medium

PAGE - basic screen, area, display, ... till NS Firmware 2.0 one page equals to one extension. Then with NSF 2.0 and OCR recognition all extensions are smoothly integrated in one page interface.
HOMEPAGE - first page, basic access to all functions and content, your basic drawing paper with Share abilities and page fliping
CONTENT - basic dashboard, content of your NoteSlate with thumbnail view and page flipping
1-bit - NoteSlate is based on this kind of basic monochrome picture, NoteSlate only one visual language, 1-bit is defined by two colors - one color is foreground, second background (usually black and white )
BLOCK - more pages grouped together with thumbnails, works as a folder or document (book, magazine,...) with more pages

IMPRINT - editable frame area in the NS interface, then handwritten elements used as icons, thumbnails, brushes,... or application elements CHANNELS - user generated content described by topics and interest, your inspirations feeder
TUNNELS - NotesLate web extensions to other networks, account settings and privacy control

PAPER ROLLS - NoteSlate paper medium used for never ending vertical paper, used mainly in publishing extensions (blogs, newspapers,...)
PAPER BOARD - never ending surface for handwritten content, used in extensions and games


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© NoteSlate | 2011